Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Scots of Ireland

The earliest mention of the Macnaughton clan stretches back to Nachtan Mor in the eight century. However, to trace our true lineage we must go back to the beginning of the Scots themselves. Up until about 409 AD Scotland was occupied by the Picts and the Britons. The Romans attempted unsuccessfully to conquer these early celtics. As the Romans withdrew from the battle new invaders came from Ireland, these were known as the Scots.

The Scots came from Dalriada, a kingdom in Ireland. This Irish Dalriada is the Dalriada from which the ancestors of Nachtan Mor came, and where Nacthan Mor himself was born. When the Scots conquered Scotland a portion was henceforth known as Scottish Dalriada.

Let’s go back to Nacthan Mor’s Great Great Great Grandfather. Little is known of Eoganan other than he was born circa 0530. There is a passage in The Book of McKee that states “At first Gabhran's son Eoganan was designated to succeed Conall [his cousin] as petty king, but it seems that St. Columba had a vision about this time, and had sufficient influence with the tribe to nominate Eoganan's younger brother Aidan...for the throne...Apparently Columba had plans for him [Aidan], because the two of them journeyed to Ireland land attended the convocation of petty Irish monarchs, headed by the ard-ri, at Drumceat in 575 A.D. It was decreed that thenceforth Scottish Dalriada should be exempted from all tributes and exactions, but should continue to join with Irish Dalriada in war. He died in 606 A.D., according to the Irish annalist Tighernac.

Eoganan’s son Fergus Ferchar was born circa 565 A.D. of Dalriada. He became King of Scotland and died between 632 A.D. and 637 A.D.

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